Hollyburn Medical Centre
#210-575 16th St
West Vancouver
BC V7V 4Y1
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(604) 926-2115
Patient Education

Disclaimer: This is the patient reference information section of our website.
Please be aware that all information provided by our website on surgical procedures, injections and radiofrequency ablation is for informational purposes only.
No invasive procedures are performed at our clinic.
If you haven't heard about Pilates, you're not alone. But for the millions of people who have discovered and now use of this specialized exercise for core stabilization, you will find the results of t ...more
Haven't heard of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to treat sports injuries? Listen up! You're not alone. Patients calling their doctors asking about this treatment for tennis elbow or other muscle or tendon ...more
As parents, we have all watched our children who participate in sports with a bit of fear and worry about injuries. And for parents of athletes who have already injured themselves, there's always a ni ...more
For cutting-edge sports nutrition information, the 55th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine was the place to be! More than 5,000 exercise scientists, sports dietitians, physician ...more
When athletes train during the warm summer months, it is important for them to be prepared for the environment in which they will be training and playing.
Sport-related concussions continue to be a serious public health concern, as approximately 1.6 to 3 million concussions occur annually in the United States. Recent studies have shown increases in the ...more
When to do surgery on an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear varies from patient to patient (of any age) and even from surgeon to surgeon. Surgeons often delay surgery of this type in children until ...more
What do we know about physical activity and low back pain? Is it a risk factor? Or a preventive aid? The authors of this study from The Netherlands suggest that too little or too much activity might b ...more
Mind/body exercise is thriving in the fitness industry. More than 18 million Americans practice yoga and/or Tai Chi, while some 10.5 million Americans perform Pilates. Why has this format of exercise ...more