Hollyburn Medical Centre
#210-575 16th St
West Vancouver
BC V7V 4Y1
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(604) 926-2115
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Disclaimer: This is the patient reference information section of our website.
Please be aware that all information provided by our website on surgical procedures, injections and radiofrequency ablation is for informational purposes only.
No invasive procedures are performed at our clinic.
Lower Back Surgery
Lumbar discectomy is a surgical procedure to remove part of a problem disc in the low back. The discs are the pads that separate the vertebrae. This procedure is commonly used when a herniated, or rup ...more
Posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) is a procedure used to treat problemssuch as disc degeneration, disc herniation, and spine instability. In this procedure, thesurgeon works on the spine from t ...more
A posterior lumbar fusion is the most common type of fusion surgery for the low back. A fusion is a surgical procedure that joins two or more bones (in this case vertebrae) together into one solid bon ...more
Lumbar laminectomy is a surgical procedure to relieve pressure on the spinal nerves. Degeneration, or wear and tear,in the parts of the spine may narrow the spinal canal. This puts pressure on the ner ...more
Artificial disc replacement (ADR) is a device or implant used to replace a diseased or damaged intervertebral disc.After removing what’s left of the worn out disc, the ADR is inserted in the spa ...more
Anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) is a procedure used to treat problems such as disc degeneration, spine instability, and deformities in the curve of the spine. In this procedure, the surgeon wo ...more
Anterior lumbar fusion is an operation done on the front (the anterior region) of the lower spine. Fusion surgery helps two or more bones grow together into one solid bone. Fusion cages are new device ...more