Hollyburn Medical Centre
#210-575 16th St
West Vancouver
BC V7V 4Y1
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(604) 926-2115
Patient Education

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Please be aware that all information provided by our website on surgical procedures, injections and radiofrequency ablation is for informational purposes only.
No invasive procedures are performed at our clinic.
Hand Issues
Dupuytren's contracture is a fairly common disorder of the fingers. It most often affects the ring or little finger, sometimes both, and often in both hands. Although the exact cause is unknown, it oc ...more
When you stop to think about how much you use your hands, it's easy to see why the joints of the fingers are so important. Arthritis of the finger joints has many causes, and arthritic finger joints c ...more
When you stop to think about how much you use your thumbs, it's easy to see why the joint where the thumb attaches to the hand can suffer from wear and tear. This joint is designed to give the thumb i ...more
The tendons that allow each finger to straighten, the extensor tendons, at first appear to be relatively simple. But as the extensor tendon runs into the finger, it becomes a complex and elegantly bal ...more
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common problem affecting the hand and wrist. Symptoms begin when the median nerve gets squeezed inside the carpal tunnel of the wrist, a medical condition known as ne ...more
Guyon's canal syndrome is an entrapment of the ulnar nerve as it passes through a tunnel in the wrist called Guyon's canal. This problem is similar to carpal tunnel syndrome but involves a completel ...more
When you think about how much we use our hands, it's not hard to understand why injuries to the fingers are common. Most of these injuries heal without significant problems. One such injury is an inju ...more
We use our hands constantly, placing them in harm's way continuously.Injuries to the finger joints are common and usually heal without significant problems. Some injuries are more serious and may deve ...more
Normal finger position and movement occur from the balanced actions of many important structures. Ligaments support the finger joints. Muscles hold and move the fingers. Tendons help control the fine ...more
Trigger finger and trigger thumb are conditions affecting the movement of the tendons as they bend the fingers or thumb toward the palm of the hand. This movement is called flexion.
Injury to the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb is fairly common. This strong band of tissue is attached to the middle joint of the thumb, the joint next to the web space of the thumb. This condi ...more