Hollyburn Medical Centre
#210-575 16th St
West Vancouver
BC V7V 4Y1
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(604) 926-2115
Patient Education

Disclaimer: This is the patient reference information section of our website.
Please be aware that all information provided by our website on surgical procedures, injections and radiofrequency ablation is for informational purposes only.
No invasive procedures are performed at our clinic.
Sit with your right forearm supported on a table, your elbow bent, palm facing downwards, and a resistance band held in tension between both hands.
Sit with your right forearm supported on a table, elbow bent, and palm facing upwards.
In a seated position with your forearm supported on a table, your wrist over the edge, and palm facing towards the floor.
In a seated position with your forearm supported on a table, your wrist over the edge, and palm facing upwards.
Stand tall, with your head and neck erect, and shoulders in neutral position.
Sit tall with your head and neck erect and shoulders in neutral position.
Sit with your right elbow bent and turn your forearm and palm outwards so that your palm is facing upwards.
Sit with right your elbow bent and turn your forearm and palm inwards so that your palm is facing downward.
While keeping your shoulder in neutral, straighten your right elbow as far as you can.
While keeping your shoulder in neutral, bend your right elbow as far as you can.
Lay face down on the floor with your hands flat and arms extended shoulder width apart, your knees and feet resting on the floor, body in one straight line from head to knees.
Stand with your feet hip width apart, approximately 2ft from the wall. Keep your arms at shoulder height and hands flat against the wall.