Hollyburn Medical Centre
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BC V7V 4Y1
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Patient Education

Disclaimer: This is the patient reference information section of our website.
Please be aware that all information provided by our website on surgical procedures, injections and radiofrequency ablation is for informational purposes only.
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After a very severe ankle injury, I found out I have a hole in the ankle bone that goes clear down to through the cartilage to the bone. The surgeon is recommending something called an OAT procedure. ...more
Is it normal after ankle surgery 5 years ago that I can't stand on my left leg without falling over?
I just noticed yesterday when I was playing Simon Says with my five-year-old that I can no longer stand on my left leg without falling over. I did have surgery on that side two years ago for a badly s ...more
I have what's called end-stage arthritis in my left ankle. It really affects my walking. Even getting around the house can be a real chore some days. I try not to let this get me down but I have to ad ...more
I have arthritis in one ankle from a bad break I got when I was a wild and wooley 20-something. Now I'm paying for it in my 40s. Is there any way to tell if I'm getting worse over time and when I shou ...more
I had some special injections to my knee for arthritis that helped smooth things out and improve pain and motion. It was expensive but my insurance company paid for it (well they paid the usual 80 per ...more
I have the most painful ankle in the world. In fact, I'm literally ready to have the surgeon just cut the foot off. I can't walk much less run. Can't ride my horse anymore. Can't keep up with my grand ...more
I'm trying to find some information on ankle replacement surgery. I've seen two surgeons who both think I'm a pretty good candidate for this type of surgery. I've talked with two other patients who se ...more
O geez. I sprained the outside edge of my left ankle two months ago and it never healed right. Clicking, popping, pain, etc. Finally saw an orthopedist. Said I need surgery because the tendon is poppi ...more
I sprained my ankle doing a stupid move on my motorcycle. It never seemed to heal so I finally went in for help. They discovered the tendons along the outside of my leg aren't staying in the groove wh ...more
This may be the first study to look at preventing ankle sprains (and other leg injuries) by wearing a soft, lace-up ankle brace. Ankle sprains may seem like a minor problem but they put many athletes ...more
Our family seems to be at risk for wrist and ankle sprains. It seems like someone is always bandaged up for one or the other. Is this something that is inherited?
Years ago, I broke and dislocated my right ankle. Everything healed nicely at the time. But, now the pain from arthritis has really gotten to me. The surgeon recommends fusion of the two main joints. ...more
X-rays of my right ankle show arthritis just on one side of the joint. I'd really like to keep training for a marathon but the pain is starting to get to me. I don't think fusing the joint is such a g ...more
Wow! I broke my ankle six weeks ago, and when they took the cast off, I could barely move my foot and ankle. Is this common?
Why is it necessary to have X-rays taken after a sprained ankle? Can't the doctor just examine the foot and see what's wrong?
When it comes to ankle sprains, how much is swelling related to ankle function?
What's the difference between an ankle takedown and an ankle arthrodesis? My husband's surgeon used both these words when talking about an operation for his severe ankle arthritis.
What's the best treatment for a triplanar ankle fracture?
My daughter is a ballet dancer and off her feet with this problem. What can be done to treat it?
What kinds of surgical techniques are used to stabilize an ankle with chronic sprains?
I'm a high school football coach. We seem to have a high number of ankle sprains putting our players on the bench. Is this typical? What can we do about it?
I'm a college-level volleyball player with weak ankles. I trained extra to prevent ankle injuries and ended up hurting my knee. Am I just prone to injury no matter what I do?
I'm 43-years old and planning to have my left ankle fused because of severe arthritis from an old injury. What can I expect down the road after this operation?
I'm 42-years old and suddenly I've developed a bad case of arthritis in my left ankle. What can cause this to happen?
I'm 17 years old (a girl) and very athletic. I made it through high school injury-free. I know girls are more likely to injure their ACLs. Are there other injuries we should watch out for?
I went to the emergency department for what turned out to be a Grade III ankle sprain. The doctor advised using a cast for a week to 10 days before switching to an ankle brace. I have a newspaper rout ...more
I was in our state high school rodeo finals last weekend. I injured my ankle big time during the calf roping event. Had to have surgery with two pins through my ankle. Doc says it's an ankle fracture ...more
I was coming down off the bleachers at a basketball game and missed the last step. My foot twisted in and I sprained my ankle. Do I need to strengthen all the muscles around the ankle or just the ones ...more
I was coming down from a lay up during a basketball game two days ago. When I landed, my foot rolled in and I tore a ligament on the outside of my ankle. Will I need surgery to fix this problem, or ar ...more
I twisted my ankle when I missed the last step of our stairway. The doctor took X-rays and said it was not broken. How accurate are X-rays for this kind of injury?
I tweaked an old ankle injury ice skating last night. There's quite a bit of swelling along the outside ankle bone. I know the swelling will go down on its own. Is there any real reason to get treatme ...more
I took up snowboarding last year after years of downhill skiing without injury. My first time out, I landed on my left foot and hurt myself. At first the doctor didn't think anything was broken becaus ...more
I took my father to the clinic for his preop visit. He's going to have ankle surgery. They showed us a videotape of the operation. I wonder how much older folks like Dad really get out of this. Wouldn ...more
I sprained the ligaments on the outside of my ankle four months ago and still have pain, stiffness, and swelling whenever I use the ankle. Could there be something else going on in the ankle that is k ...more
I sprained my right ankle at least a dozen times during high school and college sports. Now I can hardly walk without it giving way. Is there anything that can be done about this?
I sprained my ankle, and my buddy said something about "rice." Is this a special diet or what?
I sprained my ankle two weeks ago. I have been using ice and keeping the ankle wrapped with an ace wrap. When can I use heat instead of ice?
I sprained my ankle six months ago. It still feels like the ankle could give out from under me at any time. Why is that?
I sprained my ankle pretty good when I stepped down off the curb wrong. I've got a big walking trip to Europe planned in three weeks. Is there any way I can speed up the recovery process?
I sprained my ankle over the weekend and ended up in the emergency room for treatment. The nurses and doctors spent the whole time telling me how to get the swelling down. This may sound dumb, but why ...more
I sprained my ankle last summer. After a few months it seemed to go back to normal. Will I get arthritis in this ankle later?
I sprained my ankle at a track meet. My coach wants me to see a physical therapist, but I say I can ice and wrap my ankle on my own. Is physical therapy worth my time?
I sprained my ankle and have a lot of swelling and pain. Why does the joint feel unstable, and what can I do to make it better?
I saw a report in a sports magazine that says ankle sprains lead to arthritis years later. How long does it take and what happens?
I recently sprained my ankle. The information I received suggested "cold therapy" as a form of treatment for the first 24 hours. What does this mean, and how do I use it?
I recently injured my lower leg and ankle in a motorcycle accident. There's a screw now holding the lower leg bones together while they heal. I have to wear a cast for six weeks. Why do I need the cas ...more
I notice my left ankle "twinges" with certain movements like when I walk on a slanted surface or step down off a curb. Does this mean I am spraining my ankle over and over? I sprained it really badly ...more
I just took up snowboarding. Are my ankles likely to get hurt?
I just saw an X-ray of the huge screw the doctor put in my son's ankle. It's for a torn ligament between the two lower leg bones. We've been told a second operation will be needed. This one will take ...more
I have had a cast on my ankle for four weeks for a bone fracture. Now that the cast is off, I'm slowly (very slowly) getting my motion back. I can see how immobilizing the joint can cause stiffness bu ...more
I have diabetes with some loss of sensation in my feet. Because of this, I have to be very careful to protect my feet and avoid injuries. Is it possible to compensate for this by improving sensation i ...more
I have Charcot's disease from diabetes in my ankles. Would I be able to get the new ankle replacements I've heard are out now?
I have ankle osteoarthritis. My doctor thinks I should get a plastic brace for my foot and ankle. How is this going to help me walk better?
I had arthroscopic surgery on my ankle to find the cause of my chronic ankle pain. The doctor said there was an accessory ligament causing the problem. What's an "accessory ligament?"
I had a total ankle replacement about six months ago. I'd like to get back on the tennis courts now. Are there any guidelines I should follow?
I had a severe ankle sprain during a tennis match last year. The ankle feels unsteady to me, like I can't trust it. It also rolls in without warning. Why is this, and what can be done for it?
I had a major ankle sprain after falling from a ladder. So far, my doctor and therapist have had me keep it wrapped, iced, and elevated. Is there anything else I can do to speed up my recovery?
I had a bad ankle sprain last year. Since then, I keep twisting my ankle for no apparent reason. Why is this, and what can I do to prevent it from happening?
Have you ever heard of a sural nerve injury? Our 15-year-old daughter is an equestrian rider. She got bucked off a horse and her foot was stuck in the stirrup. Now she has numbness and tingling in her ...more
I brought Mother home from the hospital last night. She has diabetes and she broke her ankle requiring surgery. The nurses gave us a long list of Dos and Don'ts. They were very firm in telling us we h ...more
I broke my ankle when I was thrown from my horse. I had to have surgery to pin the bones together. Now that the cast is off I'd like to go horseback riding again. Is this allowed?
I broke my ankle in a car accident several years ago. I was 23-years old at the time. Now I'm starting to notice some pain and stiffness in that ankle from time to time. I watched my Grandpa struggle ...more
I am training on a trampoline for competition in gymnastic events. I've been told ankle injuries are common in this sport. I'd like to find some kind of ankle support to prevent this from happening. W ...more
I am not a young 62-year-old, if you know what I mean. But I'm still a little active. I don't run marathons, but I do like to golf and dance once in a while. The problem is I've got a bum ankle from a ...more
I am being treated for an ankle sprain. My physical therapist has me stand and work my ankle on a big round disk. How does this type of training help?
I am a snowboarder, and I've had a couple of painful ankle sprains. Should I do something about it?
I am a gymnast coming up on a big regional tournament. About two weeks ago, I sprained my ankle. My coach wants me to wear tape during the competition. I'm worried it will hold me back. What should I ...more
I am a competitive runner. During my training for a marathon, I increased my mileage. Shortly after that, I twisted my ankle while running. My ankle doesn’t hurt, but my knee does. There’s a painf ...more
How can you tell whether an ankle is broken or just sprained?
Have you ever heard of anyone having his or her foot amputated for arthritis? My grandma just had this done and it doesn't make any sense to me.
Have you ever heard of a high ankle sprain? My daughter hurt her ankle while playing hockey and this is what the doctors are calling it?
Four months ago, I had surgery to reconstruct my ankle. I had a worn and arthritic ankle joint on one side. I was trying to avoid having a fusion. But I'm no better off than before the surgery. Pain a ...more
Every now and then my ankle gives way on me. I sprained it about two years ago. It feels like I'm respraining it a little bit each time this happens. Why does this happen?
Does ankle taping really work? I see many of my teammates using various methods of taping to keep from re-spraining their ankles. If it works, which type of taping is best?
After spraining my ankle I notice I can step down off stairs or curbs but I still can't jump across a puddle or other obstacles. How long does it take to get this skill back?
After playing volleyball for a few hours, my ankles feel wobbly and weak. What causes this? Is there something I can do about it?
About two years ago, I sprained my ankle big time. It never has healed properly. In fact, I think I may have resprained it several times just in the last few months. Now I'm worried that I'll end up w ...more
About 18 months ago I had a total ankle replacement for severe ankle arthritis. Everything seemed to be going good until last month. I started to have ankle pain and a loss of motion. It almost feels ...more
A year ago I sprained my right ankle. It doesn't hurt but it gives out on me. What could be causing this?
A year ago I fractured my ankle and had a very slow recovery. Everything finally seemed to be working fine but now it's starting to stiffen up and hurt quite a bit. Am I going to have problems like th ...more